How to Fix “Briefly Unavailable For Scheduled Maintenance. Check Back in a Minute.”

Have you ever encountered the ‘Briefly Unavailable For Scheduled Maintenance. Check Back in a Minute.‘ error on your website? The message usually appears when your WordPress core, plugins, or themes are being updated. The message disappears as soon as the update is over. Sometimes, updates go wrong, and that’s when your website shows the maintenance mode error.

How to Change WordPress Site Title (4 Simple Methods + a Bonus One)

Outside of your domain name, the WordPress site title serves as the title, face, and identity of your website. After a new WordPress installation, you create a site title, and it gets automatically added to your settings for display on the frontend, used for naming site files, and sometimes called upon to help plugins and themes work properly.

7 Best Free WordPress Courses for All Levels

WordPress can be challenging when you first get started. Therefore, you might be looking for educational material to help you master new skills. However, with so many options available, it can be tricky to choose the best free WordPress courses for your needs.

How to Remove “Proudly Powered by WordPress” From Your Footer

Want to remove “proudly powered by WordPress” from your site’s footer? Perhaps you are running a business and don’t want to seem unprofessional. Perhaps you want to avoid declaring the CMS used on your website to avoid being hacked. Or perhaps you are working on a client website and want to remove the text and replace it with your own link.