Sharing other people’s content on social media is a great way to get noticed and build a stronger social network. With that being said, doing it manually is a huge time-sink, which is why it can be helpful to find a way to automatically share other websites’ content on your social media accounts.
While there are non-WordPress tools like Buffer that help you to automatically share other websites’ content, the Revive Network plugin lets you automate the whole process without having to ever leave your WordPress dashboard.
In this post, I’ll give you a detailed tutorial on how to automatically share other websites’ content using the Revive Network plugin. I’ll cover the whole process, from zero to checking out your queue of scheduled social media posts. 🤳🏻
📺 Here is the video version:
What does Revive Network do?
Revive Network helps you grow your social community and network by letting you automatically share content based on targeted RSS feeds that you add to the plugin.
You can create templates to give your social shares a human touch, add relevant hashtags, and even tack on UTM tags to help get you noticed.
If you’d like to learn more about the plugin, I encourage you to check out the product page.
Otherwise, I’m going to jump straight into showing you how to automatically share other websites’ content and grow your network using Revive Network. 📡
- Step 0: Install Revive Network and input your license key
- Step 1: Create a Twitter or Facebook application
- Step 2: Connect the social profile(s)
- Step 3: Set up your RSS feeds
- Step 4: Create templates for the content you want to share
- Step 5: Configure how often to share content
Step 0: Install Revive Network and input your license key
Before you can automatically share other websites’ content, you’ll need to actually install and activate the Revive Network plugin. Yup, we’re starting at the beginning here!
Because Revive Network is a premium plugin, you’ll need to upload the ZIP file that you get after purchasing the plugin. You can learn how to install a plugin that way here.
Once you install and activate Revive Network, enter your license key by going to Settings → General and scrolling down to the Revive Network license area:

Step 1: Create a Twitter or Facebook application
Once you’ve got the plugin activated, you’re ready to start setting it up.
The first thing you need to do is create a Twitter and/or Facebook app.
You can do this by going to Revive Network → Apps. For both Twitter and Facebook, you can find detailed instructions for how to create the app by clicking on the marked link:

I’ll show the steps for the Twitter app – but remember that you can always find instructions for Facebook by clicking that link.
To create your Twitter App, go here and click Create New App:

On the next screen, you need to fill out Application Details. For the first three fields, you can enter whatever you’d like. That is, the information won’t be seen by anyone but you.
But for the Callback URL, make sure that you enter the following:

Then, click Create your Twitter application at the bottom.
On the next screen, click on the Keys and Access Tokens tab. From there, you’ll need to copy the API Key and API Secret into your Revive Network dashboard:

Paste those values into the relevant boxes and click Save Settings:

If you’d like to share posts on Facebook, as well, you’ll need to complete a similar process for Facebook by going to the Facebook tab and following the instructions:

Otherwise, you’re ready to continue on.
Step 2: Connect the social profile(s) you want to automatically share other websites’ content to
Next up, head to the Accounts tab of Revive Network. Here, you’ll need to connect your actual social profiles.
You’ll only see options for the network(s) that you created an app for. For example, I only created a Twitter app, so all I see is an option to add a Twitter account.
To get started, click the Add Account button:

Assuming that you’re logged into Twitter, all you need to do is click the Authorize app button:

If you added a Facebook app, you’ll need to repeat the same process for Facebook.
Step 3: Set up your RSS feeds
Ok, now you’re ready to start adding feeds for the content that you want to share. RSS feeds are what actually allow you to automatically share other websites’ content.
Basically, you’ll need to find the RSS feed for the website or influencer whose content you want to share. In our post about importing RSS feeds into WordPress, we talk about some strategies for finding WordPress feeds.
Generally, because most blogs are based on WordPress nowadays, a neat trick is to just append /feed
to the end of any WordPress site’s URL to find its RSS feed.
Once you have the feed you want to share content from, go to the Feeds tab of Revive Network and fill in the options:
- Feed Name – this is purely internal – make it something that’s easy for you to remember
- Feed URL – enter the direct URL to the RSS feed you found
- Facebook Handle – if you’re sharing on Facebook, enter the username or page name that you want to mention (including the @ sign)
- Twitter Handle – if you’re sharing on Twitter, enter the username of the account you want to mention (including the @ sign)
- Linked to – if you linked more than one of your own social media accounts, you can choose specific accounts here.

Once you’re finished, click Save Feed.
Step 4: Create templates for the content you want to share
One of the neat things about Revive Network is that it lets you create one or more custom templates to structure your Tweets or Facebook posts.
You can also use dynamic variables to automatically insert relevant information about the post title and/or person you’re referencing.
By default, the plugin includes three templates. But you can always go in and delete those templates and/or add your own custom templates.
To do that, go to the Templates tab and click Add New:

Here’s what the various fields mean:
- Template Name – just for internal use – make it something that’s easy to remember
- Facebook – check this box to use this template for Facebook posts
- Twitter – check this box to use this template for Twitter posts
As for Template Content, it deserves more than a bullet point. Basically, you’re going to mix plain text with the “Magic Tags” below the box.
Let’s say the most recent post you’re going to share is a post from @Themeisle titled “How to Use Revive Network”
If you put this in the Template Content box:
Check out this great post from {mention}: {title} {link_w_utm}
When Revive Network uses that template, it will automatically convert the magic tags into actual data from the post. So it would look like this:
Check out this great post from @ThemeIsle: How to Use Revive Network
In reality, the real URL would contain your UTM tags, but this is just an example.
Speaking of…once you save your template, go to the Edit UTM Tags tab to configure your UTM tags.
Setting up your UTM tags
UTM tags help your traffic show up in the analytics logs of the websites that you refer traffic to. It’s a small thing, but it gives you “credit” for the traffic and helps influencers notice (and appreciate) that you’re sending them traffic.
By default, the plugin will fill in the UTM tags based on your site’s URL. Most of the time, you can just leave these as the default. But if you want to edit them, you can do that here:

Just like with the templates, you can use magic tags to insert dynamic information. The {network} tag will change to “twitter” or “facebook” depending on the actual network that you share the post on.
Step 5: Configure how often to share content
At this point, you’re all ready to start sharing! Before you do that, though, you should tell the plugin how often you actually want to share.
To do that, go to Schedule and then click on the Share Settings:

Usually, you can leave these as the defaults. But if you want to configure them further, here’s what each option means:
- Check interval – how often the plugin checks RSS feeds for new posts
- Posts to share – how many posts to share when the plugin finds new posts in a feed.
- Twitter share interval – how often to wait between sharing on Twitter
- Facebook share interval – how long to wait between sharing on Facebook
- Purge posts interval – how long to store posts from a feed (for sharing) before the plugin clears it from the list
Step 6: Start sharing and monitor your scheduled posts
Now’s the point when you can hit the Start Sharing button to kick the plugin into gear!

Once you start sharing, you can monitor exactly what will be shared and when by going to the Scheduled tab
You can also remove individual shares by hovering over them and choosing Remove Share. And if you ever want to stop sharing, just click the Stop Sharing button to put the plugin on pause.
It’s easy to automatically share other websites’ content 🎰
Once you configure Revive Network, it’s easy to automatically share other websites’ content as needed. Whenever you want to add a new source, all you need to do is create a new feed and/or template to quickly add that website to your repertoire.
🚀 Similarly, you can quickly remove existing feeds if you no longer want to share them.
If you have any other questions about how to automatically share other websites’ content with Revive Network, leave a comment and we’ll try to help out!
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