Bluehost vs Hostinger: Which Is the Best Host for Your Needs
Struggling to choose between Bluehost and Hostinger? If you stick around I promise you that by the end of this article you’ll have clarity on which company is better for your needs. What you’re about to read is a thorough analysis, written by a real human – me! – with actual opinions and insights into what these two companies offer. I will focus heavily on their various hosting plans, but I'll also touch upon their domain registrar services. Afterwards, I will break down what their support game looks like and how they perform on the battlefield when put to the test.
Bluehost vs Which Is Better for Your Website?
Trying to decide between Bluehost and to launch your website? First, let’s make sure that we’re on the same page with what it is we’re actually going to be comparing. If you already know that and are not the same thing, then you can skip this explanation and head straight to the analysis.
I Tested 30+ Free Fitness Themes for WordPress – Here Are the Top 9
As someone who's been working out since the age of 15 and even managed an entire fitness facility at one point in my life, I know a thing or two about what "my kinda people" are probably looking for in a theme. I also happen to be a WordPress fanatic who's played around with dozens of themes over the years. Based on that experience, here are my top choices for the best free sports and fitness themes.
My Journey to Creating a WordPress Plugin With ChatGPT: 120 Hours of Work, No Prior Experience
I actually thought I could build a WordPress plugin with ChatGPT in just a couple of hours. Well, "a couple of hours" turned out to be 120. Assuming you plan on following in my footsteps, I strongly urge you to read this article in its entirety beforehand. It will genuinely save you hours – even days – of extra work.
10 Best WordPress Live Chat Plugins Compared for 2024
I spent an entire weekend installing and testing close to 20 different live chat plugins on a WordPress test site to figure out which ones are currently the best on the market. After using each one and comparing their features and pricing, I finally managed to distill it down to the 10 options you see here. They are presented in no particular order, but rest assured that they are all excellent in their own way. It just depends on why you need a live chat plugin and what features you’re looking to get out of it.
10 Best Google Sites Alternatives to Make a Website in 2024
Google Sites makes website creation simple, with everything stored securely. You can make your site public or private, and control access to it. However, it’s somewhat too basic to build a fully functional website. We look at the best Google Sites alternatives for flexibility and price.
10 Best Hosting Resellers in 2024 (Insanely Good Deals)
Web hosting is projected to reach $159.90 billion USD in revenue by the end of 2024 1. If you want to get a slice of that multi-billion dollar pie for yourself, then getting into the hosting resale business can be a smart move. You can pitch it as an add-on to your existing services, or you could become your own stand-alone hosting company. However, finding the best hosting resellers requires some diligent research.
How to Add Custom JavaScript to WordPress (5 Methods + Tips)
In the past, if you wanted to add custom JavaScript to WordPress posts, you had to either be familiar with code or you had to rely on a plugin. Unfortunately, neither of those solutions were ideal for the vast majority of WordPress users. The first one had a high barrier to entry and was risky if you didn’t know what you were doing, and the second one was very limited in what it allowed you to do.
8 Best Budget-Friendly Email Hosting Providers (One Is Free!)
Creating a custom email address – or several of them – is a great way to look more professional and to better organize your email communication. At the same time, it’s also an added expense. Therefore, you’ll want to make sure that you’re not spending more than you need when it comes to email hosting.
Hostinger Review: Dissected by 3 Members of the Themeisle Team
The internet is filled with a lot of Hostinger reviews. Unfortunately, the large majority of them are not based on any sort of firsthand experience. Instead, they’re composed of regurgitated information taken from the Hostinger website mixed with some generic text to make them “original.” The worst ones even scrape existing reviews and just remix them with AI. The end result is mediocre reviews that don’t give any sort of real world insight into what it’s like to actually be a Hostinger customer.
10 Best Domain Registrars Based on 2024 Data and Expert Opinion
Whether you’re launching your first website, looking to get into the domain name business, or simply looking for a place to buy a domain so that you can have your own custom email address, the fact is that you’re going to need a good, reliable domain registrar to do it.
What Is Gated Content (Real Examples) and How to Create It on WordPress
I’ve been using gated content in various ways for more than a decade now with mostly great results. Needless to say, I’m a big fan of it. But what exactly is “it?”
How to Change Font in WordPress (Works in All Themes)
If you're confused about how to change your font in WordPress, I don't blame you. It can be a bit confusing because the methods differ, depending on whether or not you're using a newer block theme or an older classic theme. In this tutorial, I'll walk you through changing fonts using a built-in option for the former and a free plugin option for the latter.
How to Use ChatGPT to Build a Website
Whether it's simple content creation or building complete websites, developers and site owners have figured out ways to utilize ChatGPT for improved productivity. By the time you finishing reading this article you'll be able to join their ranks because we're going to teach you how to use ChatGPT to build a website (really!).