How to Submit a Website to Google (Easy Step-by-Step Guide)

"How do I submit a website to Google?" is a question we are regularly asked here at Themeisle. So we have put together this step-by-step beginner's guide showing you how to submit your site to Google. We will also discuss some tips regarding what else you can do to help your website rank well in Google Search.

Namecheap vs Bluehost: Which Company Is Better for WordPress?

If you currently use WordPress or are planning to launch a new site with WordPress and you’re debating on going with either Namecheap or Bluehost for your hosting provider, then you probably want some information about them. Preferably, you want that information to be firsthand, from someone who has experience using them. Well, you’re in luck, because I am that someone.

10+ Best Free WordPress Blog Themes (Curated List)

If you're looking for some really good WordPress blog themes but you don't care to spend hours sifting through the thousands of free options on, then I've got great news - you don't have to! Why? Because I did it already. Call me a sucker for tedious tasks or maybe I'm just obsessed with hunting down really good WordPress themes, but either way, you're in luck because I'm going to share twelve of my favorites in a moment.

10+ Elements of a Successful Website Homepage Design

If you take a close look at the homepages of some of your favorite websites, you'll notice a lot of them look relatively similar. At least as far as the elements they tend to include, which isn't a coincidence. In this article, we'll introduce you to the most common elements in website homepage design, explain why you should include them, and how to do it the right way.

How to Create a Single Product Website With WordPress: Easy Guide

A lot of the top ecommerce websites have one thing in common – they feature hundreds of products for you to purchase. However, it's entirely possible to run a successful store featuring only a single item for sale. How do I know this? Because I've been running a single product website for over ten years. In this article, I'm going to talk about when it makes sense to build a website for a single product. Then I'll teach you how to do it, using WordPress and a plugin called WP Full Pay.

7 Best Stripe Payment Plugins for WordPress (Most Are Free)

Very recently I found myself contemplating whether I should replace the external payment system I have on one of my sites with a native WordPress solution. I was already familiar with Stripe as a payment processor, which naturally led me to researching Stripe plugins so that I could find a good one for my particular need. Now that I've finished, I decided to share the results with you here.

3 Easy Ways to Add Social Share Buttons to WordPress

If you are looking to add social share buttons to WordPress, you will quickly find that there are a dizzying number of plugins to help you accomplish the task. In this article, we'll explore some stylish options that will get the job done. However, each one's functionality varies, so we'll also try to show some differences to make it easier for you to pick the plugin that's right for you.

I Tested 3 WordPress Minify Plugins: These Were My Results

Minification is a popular way to optimize a WordPress website. There are plenty of WordPress minify plugins that can help you do it. To save you some time and effort, I decided to test a few of the popular options out there while documenting the process. This way you'll know whether or not they live up to their reputation (and ultimately, whether to use them).

How to Create a WordPress Quiz for Free

Want to create a WordPress quiz for your readers? Quizzes can help make your website more engaging for your audience and you'll also learn more about the demographics of your readers. In this post, I'm going to give you a detailed tutorial on how you can create a WordPress quiz using a free plugin called Quiz Cat.

How to Create a Podcast Website in WordPress

The very best podcasters run their own websites, keeping their content in-house. If you're not at this stage, now is the right time to consider building a podcast website in WordPress! In this tutorial, we're going to teach you exactly how to do it. Let's get started.

How to Watermark Images in WordPress Automatically

Online piracy is rife these days, and if you don't take the appropriate steps to protect your images, someone could come along and steal them. This is especially concerning for photographers and artists who make a living from the quality of their portfolios. Fortunately, the solution is simple: watermark images in WordPress - your images.