Neve 3.3 Corvin

130, 198, 1.52, 300,000, 1! You’re probably wondering what all those seemingly random numbers have in common. Maybe they are code for something, or an odd phone number, or a joke?

Nothing like that! They are a summary of why Neve is a great choice for those looking for a WordPress theme.

Named after the Corvin Castle, the Gothic Masterpiece of Transylvania, Neve 3.3 “Corvin” represents our 130th release in 198 weeks since the theme’s birth. With an average of 1.52 releases per week, Neve has more than 300,000 users counting on it. Thank you for being one of them! 🙌

That being said, we proudly present Neve 3.3 “Corvin”!

Here’s what’s changed in this latest version:

New option to hide post meta on mobile

Post meta is an essential part of a blog. At a glance, you can find out who wrote the article, the category, how old it is, or how long it will take to read it. Displaying all that information is ideal, but it can become a hustle on a smaller screen.

In the current version, you can disable post meta on a small screen, keeping your content user-friendly and clean.

New option to hide post meta on mobile in Neve

Shadow controls for primary and secondary buttons

There are new customizations available for the primary and secondary buttons. You can now enable the “Button shadow” toggle, which will give you control over the color, blur, and position of your button’s shadow.

Shadow controls for primary and secondary buttons in Neve

A new magic tag that you can use in header/footer components

There’s a new magic tag that will help you display the current page title you are on. It’s called {current_query_title}, and you can use it in the HTML Component of the header or footer.

A new magic tag that you can use in header/footer components in Neve

Gradient support for color controls

The gradient control is part of the Neve 3.2.4 release, but we wouldn’t dare not to mention it. It unlocks many design possibilities, and we’re proud of it!

Gradient support for color controls in Neve

From Neve 3.3.0 we decided to remove the copyright component from the free version. You can continue using it if you roll back to 3.2.x, or you can upgrade to pro, applying a onetime 50% discount by using the NEVEBRANDING50 discount code. The promotion is available until the 5th of July 2022.

Two new Custom Layouts types: Sidebar and Global

The Custom Layouts module got upgraded with two new exceptional features:

The Sidebar Layout allows you to replace the Blog, LifterLMS, or WooCommerce sidebars with the content of the current custom layout. If you only want to add things to those sidebars, you can choose to append or prepend the content of the custom layout to your current sidebar.

Two new Custom Layouts types: Sidebar and Global

The Global Layout can be used to add global elements that don’t have a particular position on your website. You can add pop-ups or fixed elements as Global.

Enhanced Sharing Icons section

Many new customizations are available for the sharing icons: sizes, colors, padding, alignments, and much more. You can configure the sharing icons in Customizer in just a few clicks. All the controls are intuitive, providing an excellent UX.

Enhanced Sharing Icons section in Neve

Custom Post Meta integrated with ACF, Toolset, and Metabox

Besides the new option to hide the post meta on mobile, Neve Pro has some additional features like adding text before or after a specific meta or adding some new custom meta to the list.

The new custom meta could be a meta field defined in ACF, Toolset, Metabox, or a raw meta field added by another plugin.

Custom Post Meta integrated with ACF, Toolset, and Metabox

Support for saving local fonts to the server for any plugin that enqueues fonts

In light of the recent events, we improved the Performance module and developed a way to load all the fonts locally, not just Neve’s fonts but all the fonts from all active plugins.

Card style for the Blog List Layout

The card style previously available just for the grid post layout is now available for the list layout as well, unlocking new design possibilities.

Card style for the Blog List Layout in Neve

Support for translating the logo with Polylang and WPML

Having a different logo based on the language the website is viewed in is a feature that our users often request. In Neve’s latest version, you can use WPML or Polylang‘s string translation dashboard to have a different logo based on the language of your website.

New Expert Starter sites

We have started to add a new generation of starter sites called Expert Sites, which are more complex and cover a wider variety of sections and integrations for each niche. Furthermore, we have started to review and convert some of the older ones to Expert Sites, and you will see them available soon.

To support this change, there will be a lighter starter site collection than we had in the past, as we want to focus on a smaller but more powerful collection of ready-to-use sites which we can constantly update.

You will still be able to access the legacy starter sites by following this doc, but keep in mind that those will no longer receive updates or be tested with the latest versions.

What else?

A lot has happened in the past month with Neve’s “brother,” Otter Blocks. The most exciting news is that we’ve launched the Otter PRO plugin.

All the functionalities from the Block Editor Booster module moved to Otter PRO so if you’re a Neve Pro user, you will automatically get Otter PRO and you can install it directly from the WordPress dashboard.

Besides the features you all know and love from the Block Editor Booster module, Otter PRO offers lots of other elements, like WooCommerce builder blocks, sticky options, comparison tables, and much more. You can find a list of what’s included in Otter PRO here.

Otter was present at WordCamp Europe in Porto. If you attended the conference, we hope you had a great time and that you visited our stand. If you didn’t, we hope you’ll give Otter a try and then meet us in person next year! 🤝

WordCamp Europe stands

What’s next?

Our journey doesn’t end here. We are planning on introducing many other features, like advanced style controls for sub-menus, enhancements to related posts, and a completely new WooCommerce-related plugin (more on that soon) ✨.

Get Neve here

Want to have a say in what’s next on the roadmap for Neve? See this page to get up to date with what we’re working on, and also vote up your most desired features to help us prioritize them for the next releases:

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