How to Fix “501 Not Implemented Error” on WordPress (7 Easy Solutions)

Encountering a “501 not implemented” error on your WordPress site? Any HTTP error that begins with “5” indicates a server issue. This means that the 501 error appears due to an issue on your web server. To remove the error, you will typically need to contact your hosting provider and alert them about the error on your site.

Contact Form 7 Not Sending Email? Here’s How to Fix It

Struggling with Contact Form 7 not sending email to your inbox? Contact Form 7 lets you send email notifications to both yourself and people who submit your form. However, if you don’t configure your site the right way, it’s common to have issues with Contact Form 7 emails not sending.

How to Fix “Briefly Unavailable For Scheduled Maintenance. Check Back in a Minute.”

Have you ever encountered the ‘Briefly Unavailable For Scheduled Maintenance. Check Back in a Minute.‘ error on your website? The message usually appears when your WordPress core, plugins, or themes are being updated. The message disappears as soon as the update is over. Sometimes, updates go wrong, and that’s when your website shows the maintenance mode error.

How to Disable Right Click on WordPress in Under 1 Minute

Want to disable right-click on WordPress to protect your content? Content theft has been around since the beginning of the internet. Whether you have a content-heavy website or an image-heavy site, your online properties can be stolen with just a click.

How to Remove “Proudly Powered by WordPress” From Your Footer

Want to remove “proudly powered by WordPress” from your site’s footer? Perhaps you are running a business and don’t want to seem unprofessional. Perhaps you want to avoid declaring the CMS used on your website to avoid being hacked. Or perhaps you are working on a client website and want to remove the text and replace it with your own link.

How to Fix ‘This Connection Is Not Private’ Error

It is a frustrating experience to encounter ‘this connection is not private’ error, be it on your own website or someone else’s. Luckily, you can fix the error by implementing the solutions we have listed in the section below.

How to Fix The ‘503 Error’ in WordPress (Step-by-Step)

Have you encountered the 503 error on your WordPress site? It’s a common WordPress error that can be fixed by following the steps we have covered in today’s tutorial. Some of these steps may look technical, but they actually don’t require any deep technical knowledge.

How to Fix This Error: The Uploaded File Exceeds the upload_max_filesize Directive in PHP.ini

Did you just try to upload a file to your WordPress site only to be met by an error message saying “the uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in PHP.ini”? The error occurs when you are trying to upload a large file which can be an image, plugin, theme, or video. If the file size of the upload exceeds the maximum upload size configuration on your hosting server, you’ll see this error message.

How to Hide WordPress Admin Bar: Ultimate Guide

Want to hide the WordPress admin bar? This toolbar, visible to logged-in users, offers quick access to site features. However, subscribers seldom need it, and for developers, it can disrupt design. So, in this article we will show you how to disable the WordPress admin bar.

WordPress Login Security: 5 Easy Steps to Secure Your Login Page

Wondering if you should be worrying about WordPress login security? WordPress is the world's most popular CMS because it's very easy to build a website with it. Although it's free, there is a price to be paid. WordPress is extremely predictable, which sometimes makes it an easy target.