How to Update WordPress Safely (And Why You Should)

Just like a car requires periodic maintenance of its various components, so too does your WordPress installation. In short, when we talk about updating WordPress, we're not just talking about one update, but several. In this tutorial, we'll teach you how to do them all.

8 Marketing Tools for WordPress to Use on Your Site

A WordPress website without marketing tools will always be like a warrior without weapons. That's why, after you launch your site, you need to find a way to make it visible on the web. How? With patience, and with the right marketing tools for WordPress, which we'll go over in this post.

How to Remove Slow WordPress Plugins and Find Faster Alternatives

We all love WordPress plugins and make use of them all the time. They ease our work considerably. But some can cause delays, or even damage. We're talking about slow WordPress plugins of course. In this post we're going to show you how to test your WordPress site for slow plugins, then we'll review how to look for better alternatives.

How to Get a Custom WordPress Login Page

Getting a custom WordPress login page is certainly a cool thing! It's basically the last step on your way to white-labeling your WordPress website entirely. In this tutorial we'll show you how to do it using 3 different plugins.