Nyasha Green interview

Hello and welcome to the September edition of the Themeisle interview series! In this one, Nyasha Green – the editorial director of the MasterWP newsletter – tells us more about her journey with WordPress.

Before reading Nyasha’s insights, don’t forget to check out last month’s interview with Michelle Frechette about our beloved WordPress community. Or, if you’re in the mood for even more insights from various professionals in the WordPress space, take a sneak peek at our full collection of interviews here.

Nyasha Green interview with Themeisle

Nyasha is the editorial director of the MasterWP newsletter. This means that every edition goes through her before being released out into the world. Be it editing, coming up with ideas, monitoring the news, or helping around – Nyasha ensures that MasterWP produces quality material.

She has a background in development, but her passion is blogging. She believes that good content should make people think, instead of just replicating what’s already out there.

Nyasha never steps away from sharing strong and controversial opinions, even if they might stir the pot here and there. At the same time, she makes sure to always have fun, and she leads by example while doing her job.

Let’s read the full story from Nyasha herself:

Nyasha Green Interview

When and how did you start working with WordPress? Is there an interesting story here?

Nyasha Green:

I have been working in WordPress for 3 years as a developer. As a blogger, I think about 10 years. Cringey blog posts are a rite of passage for millennials, right?

My story? I was messing around with PHP and Bootstrap and my mentor Shambi Broome said, “Whoa you know PHP and Bootstrap?! May I interest you in the world of WordPress??” She brought a cake and everything was wonderful. She was the first person to give me professional WordPress work and I was hooked.

How do you define “being successful”?

Nyasha Green:

Being successful to me is fulfilling goals, being surrounded by love, and having the opportunity and chance to have peace as well. I am currently successful because all 3 apply to me.

My company helps me reach goals I never thought possible. The love of my community, family, and friends makes getting up worth it. And I always can take a break when I am stressed or burning out.

Describe the WordPress community in one word.

Nyasha Green:


An interesting group of people and more diverse than meets the eye. I just wish more people had voices.

What’s the no. 1 thing a new business entering the WordPress space should do?

Nyasha Green:

Have a plan of what area of WordPress works for them. WordPress is growing rapidly to compete with page builder companies and I’m in the minority with this opinion, but there is no one way to build or sell and I think that’s wonderful. No matter what people say to you, find your lane and be my version of successful.

What’s your favorite/must-have WordPress plugin and why?

Nyasha Green:

Advanced Custom Fields. It makes websites so much more user-friendly for clients. If I could name my first child Advanced Custom Fields, I would.

Could you tell us more about your responsibilities as an editorial director at MasterWP? How is it different from an editor?

Nyasha Green:

I am responsible for editing articles, reviewing, tossing out ideas, helping others write, keeping track of WordPress news, and I am responsible for the weekly newsletter. The other editors do more error checks.

What makes a good story for an editorial, in your opinion?

Nyasha Green:

Something that makes people think. Sounds cliched but I feel like the community is used to smiling and nodding even if they don’t agree. Although Twitter has given some the ability to yell about it, I feel like our articles are different because we actually suggest a change or show what we are doing to address a problem.

Hate it or not, we lead by example. For every article we have had someone yelling to the clouds about, I’ve had more people asking how they can help.

What’s new with MasterWP since joining Howard Development & Consulting? Any significant changes content and strategy-wise?

Nyasha Green:

Our newsletter does more opinion-based reporting on things in the community vs just posting on what’s going on. Which we do too in our quick links. We like to keep the community informed on tech meetups/conferences as well and throw in some nerd links as we love that as well. We are here for the WordPress community but we also like to have fun.

What is driving you to keep doing what you’re doing? What’s your personal mission?

Nyasha Green:

It is a blessing to be able to have a platform where you can address people in power and the status quo but also elevate others who may never get their voices heard otherwise.

I do it because I think it’s the right thing to do and because I like pissing off tech bros. I season my food with their tears. My personal mission? To make WordPress grow but not just in number, in diversity as well.

That sums up our Nyasha Green interview. If you enjoyed it and want to learn more, please leave your comments in the section below. Also, if you have any ideas for who we should talk to next, feel free to share your suggestions with us!

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