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10 Tips to Get a 100% Site Health Score in WordPress

Attaining a 100% Site Health score in WordPress is a testament to your website's robustness. The Site Health screen, nestled within your WordPress dashboard, is your roadmap to a better-performing site. This tutorial will guide you through navigating to this screen and unravelling ten pragmatic tips to boost your Site Health score.

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AVIF vs WebP: Which Image Format Reigns Supreme in 2024?

PNG and JPG have always been the go-to image file formats for WordPress. However, there's now a growing list of next-gen formats like AVIF and WebP to compete with them. If you're just discovering them, you might not know what these formats are or which is best for your needs. In this post, we'll take a closer look at AVIF vs WebP. Then, we'll guide you through two easy steps to use these formats in WordPress.

How to Fix the “Background and Foreground Colors Do Not Have a Sufficient Contrast Ratio” Accessibility Error

Website optimization isn't just about loading times. A fast website keeps people happy, but only if it offers a great user experience at the same time. If your website isn't accessible, you may see warnings such as “Background and foreground colors do not have a sufficient contrast ratio.” In this article, we'll explain what this error means and why contrast is so important for web accessibility. Then, we'll show you how to fix it using some tools you already have at your disposal.

How to Unpublish a Page in WordPress (3 Methods)

Ever say something and wish you could take it back? It's not possible in real life, but revisions are totally doable on your WordPress site. We'll show you how to unpublish a page in WordPress, so that it's no longer visible to anyone that visits your site.